While making clear that the power resides in the practitioner and their intentions, she gives us many useful spells for a multitude of situations. Brittan Nightshade's "White Magic Spell Book" contains a wealth of rituals and spell work to aid you in your search for peaceful power as you learn, practice and grow on your path of righteousness. With the power of White Magic you will be on your way to being a beacon of light in a dark world. It has the power to protect and the power to attack the dark. White Magic is an ancient wiccan practice that focuses on healing, clairvoyance, protection, inner-growth and self-realization. White Magic Spell Book to grow your inner light and banish the Dark. YOU WANT A BETTER LIFE NOW, AND WHO CAN BLAME YOU? WHY WAIT TO ACHIEVE HAPPINESS, POWER AND SECURITY? NOW it is right under your fingertips! YES! The author says there is a SECRET to performing ritualis, spells magick of all kinds, and this unique and very personal Book of Shadows, will teach you many closely guarded SECRETS, so that you can become super empowered when performing any spell or ritual of your own choosing or of others who have mastered the highest of techniques.
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Now he can show YOU by means of special techniques how to program and secure riches, luxurious possessions, power over others, a longer life, increased sexual strength, and how to project yourself as a bigger and more powerful person so as to increase your capacity to become an occult master or sage in your own right. He has studied and practiced the rituals of many groups and has mastered their highest of magickal concepts. Cretarot is a believer in and practices - but is not excessively religious - Paganism, Witchcraft, Wicca, and various forms of Shamanism. This is the only workbook and study guide authorized by a practitioner of the mystical arts who is openly willing to share with others outside of his immediate inner circle the top spells and rituals which have repeatedly bought about the most positive - longest lasting - results. Every witch or occultist keeps a personal "handbook" of spells that have worked best for them. OPEN THIS SECRET BOOK OF SPELLS TO FULFILL YOUR MAGICKAL DESTINY AND REAP ALL YOUR JUST REWARDS Are you feeling naughty or nice today? Depending upon your mood or your inclination you can pick and choose the spells that are "right" and 'proper" just for you.